

Atres is a member of following organizations and associations:


  "Verband ehemaliger Weihenstephaner der Brauerabteilung e.V." - an organization of former Weihenstephans in the brewer department. They are supporters of graduates of brewing studies in Weihenstephan.
"Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e.V." - german association for the water economy, sewage and waste. Their purpose is the promotion of water and waste economy.
"Fachverband Biogas e.V." - an association of biogas. Functioned as a circle of manufacturers, operators and scheduler of biogas plants, also for economic representatives and anyone ínterested.


"Fördergesellschaft für nachhaltige Biogas- und Bioenergienutzung e. V." -  supporters cooperation for sustainable biogas and bio-energy usage. They take stand for peripheral production and usage of bio-energy for an economic and ecologic stability on regional levels.


"slowBREWING Das Brauen mit Zeit für Geschmack e.V." -  brewing with time for flavor. Supporting the cultural status of beer, protection of beer diversity and promoting beer quality.

"Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Biotechnologie" - Innovation and founder center for biotechnology. Supporting the foundation and economic implementation of research projekts from Life Science companies.

VDI "Verein deutscher Ingenieure e.V." - organization of german engineers. Represent professional and sociopolitical interests of engineers and students with engineering studies.